Sunday, November 8, 2009

No empathy for the old ways of hurt and harm

All of our rules, marriage rules included, have a profound effect on culture and society. In the course of history we have changed many rules with the result that culture and society have changed.

Segregation rules come to mind. The rules regarding same gender marriages are also changing culture and society.

The premise that one should express empathy for those who are having difficulty with these changing times is not one I can embrace.

My personal conflict here is something the Buddha might teach me is my own weakness. I view those who would deny the equal right of same gender lovers to celebrate in an equal fashion as exhibiting such a lack of caring and empathy toward others that my anger toward them overshadows my ability to feel compassion for them.

When one clings to the old ways in spite of the clear harm to others it causes, I just can't empathize.